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Piano Lessons

Transport yourself to 88 soundscapes.

1 hvirtual

Service Description

Idiomatic….Idiomatic…Idiomatic…. There’s a problem with this word. - The appropriation of natural bodily gesture in tandem with the physical limits and properties of an instrument or thing. - Think for a moment about the many fine arts... the way a ballet dancer contorts their body and distorts their foot's natural range of motion to produce something nothing short of stunning... the discipline and slow bend of the violinists hands over time to produce rapid vibrato on their instrument. Many fine arts require a great deal of effort and wrath upon the body to produce a desired outcome - but the key is to train the body in a manner where new functional patterns and gestures can withstand the test of time and injury is minimal. So it is with the piano. There are many styles and many old traditions, as well as new, and everyone thinks their technique is better than the next individual's. But humility and an honest search for elegant and economic gesture can render many works and styles more than playable. What stirs your soul? Let’s find the best way to play it, and developed the techniques that are idiomatic to your personal style: we may need to make up something new. * sitting at the piano * Powerful gestures that rejuvenate, relax, refresh, and express * Sight reading * Playing by ear * Improvisation * Musical form as an expressive outline * Songs or more than songs

Cancellation Policy

Due to extreme time sensitivity and lesson availability, there are NO REFUNDS OR CANCELLATIONS. Booked lessons and appointments are not adjustable except solely at the discretion of Grande Sean Coles. No booked lessons are refundable.

Contact Details


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